My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Apple & Google Contact Tracing - a Dystopian Nightmare - This is Being Rolled Out Right Now

This is NOT in development - it is done, already rolling out in the form of some KB "security update" even on older phones and the next phase being readied for later this year... Yeah, this is bad people! Stop using your damn cell phone so Much, when Not in use, put the phone in an RFID bag which is cheap to purchase on Amazon or eBay - consider getting a wired headset with ear buds - after answering the phone or making a call, simply slip phone into the RFID bag to help reduce your phone's ability to collect audio & video data and to reduce the phones ability to connect with other phones... cell phones are not just WMDs in everyone's pockets, purses and bra as well now even greater user specific data that might very well be used to find and capture you for likely being infected with C19... Its bad out there people!
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