My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Judge finds Oregon Governor's Corona Virus Restrictions 'Null and Void' - Very Positive!

This is a boring verbal only transcript of this Judge's decision and the reasons thereof... Pretty clear Gov Brown...

Auto Didactic - Killer Bill - Spearheading the Fight to KILL You!

My goodness but this pathetic geek is actually HAPPY that the economy is crushing 10's of Millions - this crazy SoB...

Something Feels Wrong - Dr Rashid Buttar - The Shocking Revelation - This is So Much Bigger

With the discovery of deception in so many areas of our culture, science, history, religion and medicine, it is No...

Italian MP Sara Cunial Speaks the Truth About Covid-19 - I Love Italian Passion!

I so appreciate the passion of Italy's MP just laying the truth out for the Italian House of Reps - quite stunning -...

ODD TV - C19 Debunked by Biochemistry - Virus History Tells a VERY Important Tale

I found the History around past devestating virus tells the more realistic tale - no surprise here of coverup and...

Del Bigtree - THE REAL HOAX: REPORTER CAUGHT ON TAPE - In Service to Big Pharma

Geez, the truth is slipping out even in the White House - and ummm, there is No vaccine yet so what are they talking...

Veritas TV - A Dialog Every One Should Hear - So Important To Understand What IS Going On

Some pretty stunning information... Veritas TV CENSORED DOC DOUBLES DOWN

Del Bigtree - Even the White House Know C19 is a PlanDemic-ScamDemic - Old but Good News!

Of course this supposed White House Hot Mic accident is of course staged - no doubt Trump is trying to leak the...

Apple & Google Contact Tracing - a Dystopian Nightmare - This is Being Rolled Out Right Now

This is NOT in development - it is done, already rolling out in the form of some KB "security update" even on older...

Theoria Apophasis - 5G Causation Dangers. Ultra & Infrasonic Side-Effects - Fascinating!

The video portion is unnecessary since you only see this guys face - but the information is fascinating and brings...


Doc Rashid has really been and continues to be a great source for authoritative information about C19 and the real...

Del Bigtree - America is Reopening By Force - Politicians Do NOT Matter

So good to see the people, even some law enforcement, all taking back our freedom to Reopen - good to be an American...

So You Want to Be Vaccinated - Maybe You Should Reconsider

The creator of a number of vaccines talks about his use of Fetal Tissue (aborted babies) in vaccines... Fetal...

Officer Greg Anderson of the Port of Seattle Police Dept - Fire for Posting this Video

Officer Greg Anderson is obviously a "good cop" who takes his oath of service seriously and here is using public...

Robert Sepehr - Salvation Thru Sin - Are These Zionists Completely Daft? I Guess So

How that for a belief system - if we be as bad as possible, hurt & twist as many poeple as possible and feck things...

David Icke - Dark Technocracy and the CIA - Eye Opening and Hard to Believe

...Yikes, is all I have to say about this!

VAXXED - From Cover Up to Catastrophe - You Should Know Some of This Especially NOW

You just can't trust politicians, you can't trust government institutions funded primarily by Gates Foundation such...

We’ll Know When Our Disinformation Program is Complete When Everything Americans Believe is False, W Casey, CIA

David Icke has been summarily BANNED from all Social Media Platforms but his voice rings more true than ever Now -...

Frontline NYC Nurse Talks very Openly About Her Experience Seeing Serious Medical Mismanagement

Danm, I know you should NEVER go into the hospital without a friend watching your back - everybody sort of knows...

ODD TV - Exosome Theory vs Virus Theory - Great info for Understanding a Virus

This is a short, clear, helpful presentation in understanding Virus' as well something that most have never heard of...