My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Project Looking Glass - The Deep State's View - They See that They've Already Lost - But Still Play On

Many of you are loosely aware of "Project Looking Glass" which according to Kim of LifeForce is in essence the Dark Deep State's Bible of sorts - problem is, all they can now see is one outcome that can NOT be changed No matter what they do - it is far too simplistic to say "the Good Guys Win No Matter What" - fact is, this has Nothing to do with Good vs Evil or Right vs Wrong or Dark vs Light - that is just limited thinking by people on Dualist Plane that can Not see beyond the physical and only surmise what is beyond that. This about the nature of all Manifest Reality being based on the simplicity of Light, Frequency and Information or Mind that aligns with our minds so that this PoE makes sense to us. But that Light, Frequency and Information also has a deeper foundation, a kind of essence of fabric of Reality some call Aether or the Space Between Space or my favorite, "the Potential to BE Anything". This PTB is quite simply, very maluable and formable at the Behest of at least One Conscious Being operating entirely on Pure Love and the resultant Inspiration that results from such a state of being. And so there is the rub - this PoE of seemingly endless Duality, played out in seemingly endless chapters of Life is coming to it's End as a Duality PoE and will soon be migrating to it's next iteration, though unlike past eons of back and forth, ping pong balling between high frequencies to low frequency life and back again - this PoE is on a One Way, permanent transition to a much Higher Frequency state of being that may very well result in some being simply incapable of transitioning with this PoE to it's next interation - to them, it may seem to those that they would observe at some point people being "Caught Up", you know the rapture scenario spoken of in the Bible - No, I am Not kidding but I am also telling that this is NOT for Christians only - in fact many "Christians" will NOT be going on that ride simply because they are so utterly stuck in the Slave-Self that they can do Naught but be stuck - even ALL that IS does Not violate the Free Will of People who've not a clue who they really are. This short presentation, though I suspect not being entirely accurate simply because the one who experienced this, simply did Not have the full picture or the consciousness to fully understand - BUT - I think it is close enough to encourage you all to get serious about what you really are doing in this Life, Who are you, really? What are you, really? What are you Being? Pure Love or in Latin "Purus Amare" IS the actual foundation of ALL that IS and at your Core, YOU ARE PURE LOVE though you experience yourself NOT being that all if you ever quieted enough to really see who you are and how you are really behaving. What I'm getting at simply is ALIGNMENT - Consciously choose to Be who you truly are deep inside because this will result in Alignment with the True Core foundation of all manifest reality or ALL that IS if you prefer. The Conscious choice to BE "Purus Amare" will result in a very fast Clearing of your entire being that will mostly come up in the form strong emotions, especially Sorrow & Grief for so many things, at least this has been my experience for many months and so can attest to the intensity but also the solution which is, Do NOT Resist anything - Accept, Allow, Embrace and Release yourself entirely to your choice and enjoy the ride as best you can - encourage others and don't worry at all what others think of you because you will be catalyzing everyone around you in a very big way! Also, Keep in mind that this is on Youtube which owned by Google which is one of the Dark Side's main tech cores - so they have been deleting Every Presentation that get's too far off the running narrative of the Deep State's Mass Media, Big Stinky, Foul, Prevaricating Mouth!
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