My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Live@5 - Oregon Water Fraud - No Natural Global Warming Occurring + Church Programming

We in Oregon are well aware of Irrigation Water Fraud - We're experiencing right here in Jackson County as well over much of the Farmland World - All the while Bill Gates is buying up choice Farmland all over the US - Even conservative Religion is part of the Corruption Guilt and Shaming parrisheners into getting the experiMental Jab + the Media is pushing programming onto the very young to get them to push parents into getting the experiMental Jab for their toddlers - yeah, the Deep State owns the media and has no problem pushing Death Programming onto Children - Wake up my friends, it's really getting bad out there in Humanville... What can I do, you might ask? Well, for one thing, Passive Non-participation (say NO to everything the crazy governMental leaders say - especially the experiMental Jab, wear masks absolutely as little as possible), learn prepping, self defense and firearms handling, learn to make real, old fashioned Pemmican (a super food with almost unlimited shelf life), learn about finding and purifying water in nature etc. Consider joining a LifeForce local Assembly where you can be a real part of the good change that is ALSO going on (!
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