My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Jordan Peterson - Sometimes The Hero Has To Be A Monster" - Don't Be a Rabbit

...a rabbit is soft and fluffy and typically does Not harm - this does NOT make it virtuous, it only means it's food source for some creatures - we HAVE moved into a time where what might have once been our government, has now become the Monster that intends and in fact has begun to Kill and Eat all of humanity (and it's pets amazingly)... No one is coming to save us, Christ, Buddha, Aliens, the Trumpster - none are coming to save us - we are the ones that must NOT let the NEW Hitler Regime consume us all - the Jews constantly share the stories of Hitler's Consentration Camps amoungst each other and to their young - when asked why they do this, the answer is swift and certain - "so that never forget, so we Never allow this to happen again" well, I am so sorry to tell you with absolute certainty - it IS happening again, though this time ALL of Humanity is the Enemy and ALL are marked to Die by Corps and Technocratic machinations via food, medicine, vaccinations, water, air, science, belief, culture and social connection - wake up, use your critical thinking, analyze with innocent eyes what you are seeing and hearing - time is short and it may already be too late but we must become what we must to fight, to Speak out, to Dare to tell the truth so many refuse - this New Hitler Regime, frankly is far worse than the old both in its scope and practice - and there will be NO place to hide so being a scared little Rabbit is simply Not a logical Option - ALL of Capital Hill has been bought and sold, corrupt beyond accounting so do NOT expect that ANY politician will be of any help at all... Pretty grim, I know... It would be easy if we ALL were Not so damned contrary - like big Cats, one and all, impossible to herd, yet easily motivated into scattering thru Fear Porn of the Mass Media, ever the mouthpiece of the Elite and the New Hitler Regime... The Best Humans I Know Are DANGEROUS" (building a strong character) Not Strong like a Tyrant but Strong like at Funeral where you Feel and yet hold up and comfort others...
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