My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Corbett Report - How Will WWIII Be Fought? Oh Wait We Are Already in the Midst of it Even Now!

Geez guys WWIII has already started where the WMDs are the cell phone in your pocket or Bra, spay and neutering you, wiping your mind, the GMO foods and drinks carelessly consumed, metal nano-particulate full air we are all breathing, medicine so toxic that none will survive the secondary effects, vaccines so toxic that none will survive after injection, programming so slick that few realize they have been so programmed that they are carrying out the destructive agendas for the Elite even now by wearing masks, as example, not knowing that these do NO good what so ever and in fact predispose to sickness, financial conflagration - most not even realizing that their 401k, Bonds, Funds, Pensions are ALL upside down even NOW - my beloved brothers & sisters we have ALL been targeted and tagged for Death - we do NOT see it because it is a form of Death sentence that none would ever have guessed be used - Cough19 is ONLY a Diversion to keep you at home, Not talking to others, wearing a idiotic Mask that does Not work and looks absurd - WWIII started some time ago and has been brilliantly ramped up so slowly that few noticed - Thank you James for noticing before most all! - as one of my dear friends recently mentioned to me "you sure seem to have picked an interesting time to show up here!" True Enough!
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