My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

CCFR - Gun Ban Canada - 2020 Documentary - The Disarming of the World so that Total Domination Can Happen

Of course the Agenda here is so obvious and simple - the Elite running all the dark agendas MUST completely Disarm ALL Nations most especially here in America, the most armed nation on earth save for the per/capita numbers in Israel where every healthy young person is required to do military service... Left swinging people ARE the target of the seemingly LEFT mass media - nearly all of the Left has NO idea that they are being used, their Peace Loving Hearts are being used for the Darkest Agenda EVER seeen or heard of and they have NO Idea of this at all, they do NOT even Know that they don't know - Not that the Right is any better, Fox News being funded and controlled by the same dark factions - the difference in the Right is that many have begun to realize what is really going on by seeing patterns they know to lead to Devestation of our society - thus the War on the Elderly covertly taking place right now and all over the world, most especially here in the States. Most everyone over 55 years of age knows what the US Constitution & Bill of Rights actually is, many have done military service and took their Oath of Service VERY Seriously, basically to uphold the Constitution No Matter What, against enemies within and without - right now, the most pervassive, corrupt enemy is within our walls, specifically politicians - it is estimated that 96% of Capital Hill is on the Take and has been for years with many politicians multi-millionaires, their wealth entirely from VERY inappropriate sources - doing a very deep dive into finances of Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, the Bush's and so on will reveal the truth but few can do this, it is so daunting and time consuming to do... America is going to Hell in a Handbasket because roughly half its people CAN NOT think outside their Left Programming and the other half are too old, infirmed and disconnected to even standup let alone make a difference - Make NO mistake my friends, the Top Agenda IS Agenda 2030 which absolutely IS Being Carried Out RIGHT NOW and ultimately IS the MURDER of Most of the Earth's Population by 2030 - there are countless other agendas also being carried out right now as well but the pinnicle Agenda is Agenda 2030 (used to be referred to as Agenda 21 - what do you think the 21 signifies?) Part 1 Part 2 - what is happening in Canada is also happening right now in the US and the same result WILL take place - once dissarmed, America will be obliterated in terms of its society and culture - for intense and purpose, it will be a Huge Nazi Concentration Camp only everyone in that camp, Jew, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, New Agers, will be treated much worse than any can imagine right now - we know this - one need only view my post on FEMA Camp plans, I posted a couple of months ago or so to get a clue as to is planned... It's Bad People, beyond any dystopian movie or book you've ever experienced...
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