My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Max Igan - The Secret Society You've Never Heard Of - Fascinating!

Max presents a very nice, visual expose on elements of history few know of but there has been a large body of evidence come available over the last couple of years, much of it Google & Facebook has deleted - in any case, this is fascinating! Max Igan Debated as to wether I should post this but ultimately felt that you all must figure things out and this is very interesting information, no idea as to its authenticity but still fascinating info - I do know the Trumpster's travels are for certain but what actually happened is not known so this is more conjecture than certifiable fact - would be kind of cool if it was true though... So sorry for those of you who are of Jewish lineage and Christain Faith for comments that are most uncertain in my opinion...
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