My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Johnny B - Governmental Overreach in Kentucky with Elizabeth & Isaiah Linscott - Terrible

Johhny B is a Constitutional 2nd Amendment Gun Guy but here he brings very worthwhile light to serious Tyrany and governMental Overreach and this story should scare the living JimmenyKristmas out of any and all... Frankly, I doubt VERY much that the sweet little family actually did have Cough19 - remember the Covid family of virus' is pretty big which likely means ALL of us who've had the common flu or cold in the past could Very well be Cough19 positive depending on the agendas in affect - Gates, Fauci and that lots are desperate to push Manditory vaccination thru and we are seeing signs everywhere that the numbers ARE most certainly being padded, hospitals the world over are forcing ALL staff sign very aggressive Non-Disclosure agreements so that they can NOT talk about what they are actually seeing in the hospitals - prior to this many medical professionals have come forward and noted that large hispitals HAVE BEEN marking car accident deaths as Cough19 deaths, as example - if there really IS a REAL pandemic, padding numbers would NOT be necessary AT ALL were this real - it is becoming very clear that this is both a Plandemic & Scamdemic - Americans everywhere need to sturdy their spine a bit and passively NOT comply with Tyranical behavior by ANYONE from businesses playing Gistopo to the government as a whole...
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