My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...


We are hearing from so many sectors the padding of Cough19 numbers. As example, it has now become common practice to include people who've been tested many times, counting each test as a Cough19 positive number - common practice! Why on Earth would they need to do this if this THING were real? The Real Data Does Not Lie so that it does appear that this Plandemic is entirely Fake, likely a Dress Rehearsal for something Bill Gates has had designed and is Planning to release upon the World in November of this year - in fact, if you hear of this in the News in November, you can pretty much consider that authentication of what I am saying - the Agenda is NOT to SAVE LIVES, the Agenda is to shorten LIVES and to prevent Pragnancy by chemically Spay & Neutering EVERYONE! Keep in mind that Bill Gates is, first and foremost, an individual, like his father, who absolutely believes his doing right by the world by killing off 90+% of the population and in alignment with Agenda 21/2030, is getting this job done in 9 years time or in other words, by 2030... Bill & Melinda Gates may be the spear head in this wretched Agenda but the .1% is behind the basis of the Agenda that Gates is running on... Gates is behind a number of other sub-agendas such as that of Bonding wether vaccination has occured to everyone's ID and Driver Licences, which will, as has already happened in China, leave EVERYONE in non-compliance with vaccination, unable to go anywhere, buy anything or participate in society at all resulting in their slow, horrific death by starvation - China IS doing this right Now and these .1% Elite intend to do the very same thing here but at a different speed and a bit more subtly... It is Bad out there in Humanville People and those of you on the Left, cheering on all those sub-agendas before you, know that you are Being USED and greatly aiding this incoming Police State without knowing it - You really need to pull your head out of the Leftist Sand, pull back and reflect on what you are really a part of - I know you want change but Change at ANY Cost ALWAYS Leads to destitution and you WILL be a victim to this No Matter What you choose to do - thiose on the Right ALSO need to pull heads out of the Hole, retreat and reflect on what you are doing and what you are supporting - are ANY of you on any side Really Doing ANY Truly Loving thing with regard to all this - NOT knowing you are being used to help bring about abject Evil will neither spare you from it nor make you anything but a mindless minion of Evil... Reflect and discover Who You Really Are Being in this time and adjust as needed! Oh and by the way, the Trumpster not only annouced multiple Vaccines being released in November of this year but also THANKED the execs at these Soulless Pharma Corps for a job well done! Yeah, that happened last eve! If you go thru my other posts you will begin to see the truth of those vaccines, NONE of which are going to extend your life - they are designed to shorten your life, to weaken your body and damage beyond repair, your mind so you can NO longer Critically think ANYTHING thru - can you say Zombie? Some of how this all got started and how it has become now... This is what is really going on in Portland - Antifa is NOT a Peaceful Protest - it is a Soros Funded agenda to use young malcontents, heavily programmed and paid to bring down society and Business - Left leaning Mayors and Governors paid & complicit in bringing down America that it might become the New Haven for the .1% who are behind this... ...even in India...
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