My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Doc Rashid A Buttar - Are We Losing Our Integrity? Change Your Mind Now!

...I was sharing with a friend my experience of wearing my "Exempt From Wearing a Mask" badge on a lanyard around my neck everywhere I went today - it was really quite freeing and most shops I went into accepted me being in their place of business, one even thanked me for wearing the card saying that they felt so oppressed by these questionable laws and that by my wearing it, I gave them hope and also OSHA compliance so they didn't worry about being caught Not enforcing this questionable Law... I did get some looks from others but no one asked what I was doing at all. I explained to my friend that to comply with a Law that injures myself is to energetically submit to the Author of the Agenda, most likely a very dark, deranged socio/psycho-path who is attampting to Destroy Humanity - which is tad amount to helping it accomplish that, as well is not the least bit loving to myself OR anyone else since parading Deception in front of others to help them feel better is NOT Loving to them in the slightest... Go to - - to get more information on being Exempt from this insanity - you are injuring yourself by complying and wearing a Mask, as well Dehumanizing yourself - these are reason enough to STOP wearing a Mask - Lovingly Caring for Self is necessary to truly Love and Care For Others...
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