My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Del Bigtree - Youtube Deletes The Highwire & Del Bigtree for Shining Light on the Plandemic-Scamdemic

Google's YT Nazi squad have struck again by completely Deleting Del's account which had a huge following worldwide - Google/YT are very aggressively DELETING everyone telling the truth about anything, most especially the truth about the Scamdemic current being run on the world - Dell has shined lights on padded numbers everywhere by Hospitals, governMental leaders, the CDC and WOL among many other proofs provided by professional doctors and virologists - CLEARLY we are being scammed and targeted with a very dark, destructive Agenda to force vaccination on the world to RAPIDLY lower the world population by 90+% - this means You and I, as well everyone we know has been targeted for Death by slowly Lethal injection and a worldwide directive, spearheaded by Bill & Melinda Gates and their false foundation - soon, it may become very hard to find ANY truth about these terrible agendas being run right now - Free Speech is Dead and it has been KILLED by Google, Facebook, Twitter and the like... DELETED DEEP DIVE INTO THE COVID VACCINE TRIAL ICAN PETITION FORCES FDA TOWARDS SAFER VACCINE TRIALS
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