My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Del Bigtree - IS AMERICA FACING A COVID COLLAPSE? It IS In the Midst of Collapse

"Deaths of Despair" it IS a thing and this is happening all over the World - this is Planned and Expected and most of the World population IS Complying with this Rogue Agenda headed up predominantly by Bill Gates - The MRNA Technology HAS NEVER WORKED WITH HUMANs which is the basis for the accelerated Vaccine Development which will likely severely injure or kill a large percentage of the population - Bill Gates smirks at this likelihood that he has planned all along... Its bad out there in Humanville People - stop believing the Media, stop submitting to the edicts of Governors and GovernMental leaders who care nothing for their people... Deaths of Despair... ANOTHER BILL GATES VACCINE SCANDAL IN AFRICA COVID-19: A CATEGORY 2 PLANDEMIC World Health Organization Scientists Question Safety Of Vaccines Purge 2020 - Gates WILL succeed at forcing Vaccination upon the world and Google, FB, Twit etc WILL be complicit! ...erasing History and ALL descenting to Push Nothing but Lies!
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