My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Del Bigtree - DECIPHERING THE AGENDA OF BILL GATES - More on the Psychopathy of Gates

Update: The Google/Youtube Nazi Squad has struck again, deleting any and everything NOT in alignment with the running mass media narrative - The end of Free Speech - is ALWAYS one of the last things to go before Tyranny takes over - My goodness, is this guy even human, Gates is clearly saying "Hey, if we do our job correctly we can wipe out over 1 Billion People"... Umm, murder & torture... Geez - and he actually is smug about it all - little weasel... ...Bill can wipe out a Billion people all by his self... So Smug as he talks about the 2nd phase or wave he has planned - oh yes, he has planned this and it is coming at you likely in the final quarter of 2020 - Prep faster! ANOTHER GATES VACCINE SCANDAL IN AFRICA
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