My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Corbett Report - You Must NOT Do Your Own Research When It Comes To Science - Forbes Writes

Forbes Demands We NOT do our own research - but of course there is more to this not the least of which is...

Del Bigtree - Youtube Deletes The Highwire & Del Bigtree for Shining Light on the Plandemic-Scamdemic

Google's YT Nazi squad have struck again by completely Deleting Del's account which had a huge following worldwide -...

Love is Everywhere and All Around Us - Children Remind Us Wonderfully of This

With so much seeming dread, stress and strain - as well empending darkness, it is good to remember that Love is All...

Corbett Report - Margaret Sanger - Eugenisist & Racist - This Will Surprise Many

Planned Parenthood just announced somewhat quietly that they were removing anything Margaret Sanger from their...

EIM - Aluminum, Glyphosate,Fuoride & EMF All Combine to Destroy the Pineal Gland, Sex Function & Memory

This in part is why it is so important to Eat Organic and yet we all Must be careful even there - it has now been...

Robert Kennedy Jr - CDC Regulators NOT Doing Their Job - Told To Fake Data - Never Trust Big Pharma Again!

Here Robert Kennedy Jr goes over CDC & Big Pharma contrived Data for Vaccines - No Vaccine is SAFE, Not One! Just...

Ben Swann - Faked Numbers - COVID Positive Results for People Who Were Never Given Tests!

So MANY sources coming forward noting falsified numbers by major hospitals all over the world - big hospitals now...

EIM - So You Are Thinking About Getting Vaccinated for C19 As Soon It Is Released? Bad Idea!

A Light History of Vaccination and Who has been behind it - Trust the medical system? Never Again! It is just so...


We are hearing from so many sectors the padding of Cough19 numbers. As example, it has now become common practice to...

EIM - Interpretation of Agenda 2030 and Clarity as to What Is Really Planned For Us ALL

UN Agenda 2030 is simply Agenda 21 reworded in a more fluffy fashion so that the uninformed just go along with what...

Max Igan - THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING | 2025 IS When the Whole Procedure Finishes

Bill & Melinda Gates Smirking about their Planned 2nd Phase of Cough19, planned to begin rolling out as early as...

Doc Rashid A Buttar - Are We Losing Our Integrity? Change Your Mind Now!

...I was sharing with a friend my experience of wearing my "Exempt From Wearing a Mask" badge on a lanyard around my...

Observation Deck - Digital Sovereignty vs Natural Sovereignty - Dystopian Future or Back to Pioneer Living

It is a very frightening Digital Future planned after Bill Gates rolls out Phase II of the Plandemic - I might...

Del Bigtree - IS AMERICA FACING A COVID COLLAPSE? It IS In the Midst of Collapse

"Deaths of Despair" it IS a thing and this is happening all over the World - this is Planned and Expected and most...

Max Igan - The Secret Society You've Never Heard Of - Fascinating!

Max presents a very nice, visual expose on elements of history few know of but there has been a large body of...

EIM - Satanic Ritual Elements that Appear to Be a Part of Cough19 Plandemic - Brilliant & Terrible

In this presentation, the author makes some very interesting connections, most of which I might never have noticed....

Warrior Poet Society - Satirical Look at Bernie Sanders | Dems Know Biden is Toast

John at WPS has some fun with Satire and Bernie sound-a-like - I used to like Bernie but in his old age, he seems to...

Del Bigtree - DECIPHERING THE AGENDA OF BILL GATES - More on the Psychopathy of Gates

Update: The Google/Youtube Nazi Squad has struck again, deleting any and everything NOT in alignment with the...

Johnny B - Governmental Overreach in Kentucky with Elizabeth & Isaiah Linscott - Terrible

Johhny B is a Constitutional 2nd Amendment Gun Guy but here he brings very worthwhile light to serious Tyrany and...

Del Bigtree - FATHER OF ANTI-VACCINE MOVEMENT - Produces The Act - a Film That Tells Big Pharma's Dark Side

Big Pharma has exactly ZERO liability in the making of their highly toxic, untested drugs and vaccines - the...