My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Observation Deck - What is Happening in the UK WILL Come to the US - Extreme Lockdown Based on Nothing

The media continues to spew more c19 Deaths but all are coming up as having OTHER conditions such as being hit by a Bus (in one case) and they are calling that a c19 Death - seriously?! My friends, this is coming to the US sometime between now and mid November - Prep, Prep, Prep... This is being run from an old Playbook and is expected - I doubt the Trumpster will do anything about it worthwhile and of course the LEFT will play this up into a lather of FEAR and Societal Breakdown - possibly the America's Final Swan Song... In a Body Bag already? Political Correctness - Rules You Should know! How to care for the evironment and look good doing it! Finally, I am providing some fun media to help underline that absolute absurdity of our current society and culture - I think I will opt out now...
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