My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

DAVID ICKE - On Fire in Amsterdam - What David Has Been Saying for Years HAS Come True

See and Know the Truth of our time - WE ARE ALL BEING PLAYED for Fools - Stop Participating - Say NO to Vaccines, Say NO to Mask Wearing, Say NO to Distancing - We CAN NOT Continue to Allow governMental Psychopaths to Destroy our economy, our Lives, our Work - Step out of the programming of the Right and LEFT - You ARE Being used to destroy our world - stop being a Yes-Man to fake Media - Dare to SEE the truth of our governMENTAL leaders BOTH Right & Left... Remember, Your Fellow Man is NOT your Enemy no matter how Programmed he or she may be - our enemy IS the very small group of Elite who are pulling the strings of the world - throw Out Governors who obviously are killing local State economies - throw out County commissioners and leadership that are destroying their local economies - it is ALSO true that ALL that has come upon us has come by deceived, programmed people allowing and helping it to happen without knowing that they are being used as patsy fools of the poorest kind... Likely this video will be deleted soon so if land on this page and nothing but a gray nothing is seen, you will know the NAZI media has struck again...
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