My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

EIM - Great Reset - You Will Own Nothing and Rent Everything - They are Actually Planning this by 2030

The Lockdowns that have happen as well, ALL those PLANNED to Happen, will wipe out ALL Small & Medium sized Business - this is coming and this is why the the heavy programming from the Leftist Media upon Left leaning peoples to help accelerate this forward - sadly, lovely, loving, well meaning Left oriented people do NOT know that they are being used to accelerate this horror-story Agenda that includes Murder of 90% of the population over the next few years via Vaccines that were Never designed to heal but rather to slowly take Life... The corrupt food, water, medicine, air, belief, social will do the rest fairly well - made up wars will also aid in this agenda who's DEADline is 2030... Great Reset... LockDown... Great Reset of Your Diet - Yikes!
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