My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

Corbett Report - The Canadian Military Declares War on Canadians Subtly at First...

Analyzing response is the first this the Military always does - Canada may be the first Nation to become a Police State where EVERYONE who does Not comply with forced property loss, forced vaccination and forced behavior requirements is thrown into Internment Camps that awaiting such people - and there are a lot of people who absolutely Will NOT comply - everywhere... This is part of a worldwide agenda so Canada is just both a test-bed and a way to Scare the Shite out of everyone to comply or else... See my previous post on Canada's Internment Camps... The Canadian Military Declares War on Canadians Harris is Really a Psycho-Authoritarian - proof in her past Do-Anything-to-Get-Where-She-is reputation - Civil War in America?
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