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Vaccination is a World-Wide Delusion - Brief History of Vaccines

"Vaccination is a world-wide delusion and an unscientific practice, with consequences measured today with tears and sorrow without end"
               ~ Professor Carlo Ruta, University of Perugia, Italy 1896

 1900 - the American Medical Association began to achieve the goal of replacing the existing Medical System with allopathy (a system that treats disease with Drugs).

1900 - Cancer causes only 4% of deaths in the US. 
 1900 - Deaths from Measles were 13 in 100,000

1901 - Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was founded

1902 - Chicago Health Dept Publicly states that: "True Vaccination repeated until it No Longer Takes, always prevents Smallpox. Nothing Else Does". US Military does the same.

1905 - The Food and Drug Act passed in the US
 1905 - Eleven States enact compulsory vaccination Laws

1906 - First Pure Food and Drug law passed in the US
 1906 - Investigations into the content of Coca-Cola are Halted by the US Secretary of Agriculture

1909 - Rockefeller Sanitary Commission is established / Rockefeller Foundation Begins
1909 - "Cancer was practically unknown until the Cowpox Vaccination began to be introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer and I never saw a single case of cancer in an Unvaccinated person"   NY Press, 1909 - January 26th from a report by WB Clark

1913 - American Cancer Society founded by John D. Rockefeller (father of Big Oil and Big Pharma)

1954 - Polio Vaccine tested on 18 monkeys instantly cause paralysis National Institute of Health Director, William Sebrell  released the Polio Vaccine anyway to children, nationwide (I was one of those children in 1962 and I have cancer)

1954 - National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis - Randy Kerr of Oakland, VA  first to get Salk Polio Vaccine  made with cultured raw monkey kidney tissue  - cancer stimulant for millions!  You should see the TV commercial for this - utterly mad (as in insane)

1955 - Polio in decline, few children actually paralyzed - Polio Vaccine Released Nationwide

1959 - 77.5% Paralytic Polio Victims had received 3 doses of Injected Polio Vaccine

1960 - Dr. Bernice Eddy discovers further that hamsters injected with culture base for the Polio vaccine developed tumors  - Dr. Eddy reported her findings at the Cancer Conference in NY - she was demoted and lost her lab thereafter.  Big Pharma does NOT like the truth coming out at all!

1961 - Inventor of the Polio Vaccine, Jonas Salk, testifies that nearly all Polio outbreaks since 1961 were caused by Oral Polio Vaccine!  - Polio caused by the vaccine!  Why was Salk not indicted?

1962 - Dr. Bernard Greenberg, Head of Dept of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina School of Public Health - gave testimony to US Congress - Not only did cases of Polio increase substantially AFTER mandatory Vaccinations - 50% from 1957 - 1958 and 80% from 1958 - 1959  - but the statistics were manipulated by the Public Health Services to give the opposite impression.

1972 - Cancer Research Specialist, Dr. Bernice E. Eddy warns US Congress about Polio vaccine containing SV40 that would lead to an epidemic of Cancer everywhere the vaccine was deployed.  Dr. Eddy was ignored, ridiculed and defunded, her stellar reputation destroyed by Big Pharma backed medical community.

The Salk & Sabin Polio Vaccines being made from Monkey kidney tissue, have also been directly responsible for the major increase in Leukemia in the US. ~ Dr. F. Klenner, MD

1980 - Soviet Block Nations continue to give hundreds of millions of Polio Vaccinations with SV40 - up to 1980

1985 - CDC reported that 87% of Polio cases in the US between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the Polio Vaccine - Later declared that ALL but a few imported cases since were caused by the Vaccine.

"Provocation Polio. That is the Truth about those Polio outbreaks. And I offer a well considered personal opinion that Polio IS a Man-Made disease"   ~ Dr. Viera Scheibner, Ph.D

The sustained use of Polio Vaccines worlwide, for over 40 years has resulted in at least 72 strains that can cause Polio-like diseases.  Furthermore, based on several clinical studies, the Salk & Sabin Vaccines widely administered to children in the 1950's for poliomyelitis did NOT eliminate Polio at all but instead forced it to change its form  -  says Dr. Douglass

The emergence of a "New Polio", its predominant symptom changing from infantile paralysis to adult muscle weakness - has rapidly increased since the Polio Vaccines were introduced.  We now know that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome  is not a new disease but simply an aborted form of a more serious Paralytic Polio.

Mass Media is complicit by Promoting nothing but positive propaganda that "Vaccines Work! since day one"

"Scientific medicine has taken credit it Does NOT deserve for some advances in Health. Most people believe that victory over the infectious diseases of the last century came with the invention of immunizations.  In fact, cholera, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, etc, were in decline BEFORE vaccines for them became available - the result of better methods of sanitation, sewage disposal and distribution of food and water." ~ Dr Andrew Weil, from his book "Health and Healing"

I suspect this also was in part due to Herd Immunity where everyone's body simply ganged up on these diseases and wiped them out. Close contact between people further spreading Immunity which is what our bodies and close familial and friend contact naturally do over time.

Obviously Gates, Fauci and the governments of the world, backed by Big Pharma push are trying to make sure this (herd immunity) does Not happen by requiring masks, distancing and lockdown  + initial c19 vaccinations. Everything in place to do irreversible psychological, social and immunological damage to humanity worldwide in preparation for the next Big Pharma made virus they will release which really will likely brutally kill hundreds of millions quickly, efficiently and terribly, scaring everyone on the fence about vaccines into taking them, resulting in exponential increase in death rate that will be blamed on virus mutation - anything to keep people from knowing that it was vaccines and tyrannical lockstep/lockdown measures that actually murdered hundreds of millions...  if you can find the book: "Murder by Injection - the Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America"  by Eustace Mullins

"The Virus and the Vaccine"  The True Story of a Cancer Causing Monkey Virus, contaminated Polio Vaccine and the millions of Americans exposed  - book by Debbie Bookchin & Jim Schumacher

"It is great business for the Pharmaceutical Industry. Swine Flu is Not very different from normal Flu. On the contrary, if you look at the number of cases it is nothing compared to a normal Flu outbreak"   ~ Wolfgang Woodard, chairman of the Health Committee of the German Government and the European Counsel

Children are now recommended to have 16 vaccinations in 69 doses as of this documentary  - Cancer rate now approaching 1 in 3 children before the age of 18...   How much more information do you need before you realize that Death is the ultimate goal of ALL Vaccination  - Slow, Terrible, Painful, Agonizing Death - that is what Cancer is!

Overdosed Babies - Is the Current Immunization Schedule Safe? "Oh HELL No!"
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