My Dreams of a Better World v2 It's what I'm up to after hours...

All Covid Related - Media Blackout - Moderna's FDA Report Lists 13 Total Deaths

Be sure to pause this video when you see the images of 3 faces with face issues - and consider that for a moment... The Whole Vaccine push is deeply concerning - it has been severely rushed - way too many people have died during trials with some coverup - exact ingredients are VERY concerning when you dig deeper as to precisely what those items actually are and what they do and that is NOT even considering the combined systemic and long term effects - Moderna's efficacy of 96% is not only absurd but can in NO way be backed up in any way that can be found, anywhere... Keep in mind the Johns Hopkins University release of US Death numbers NOT being ANY Higher than in past years in ANY Age Category - do the math! There IS NO Pandemic - You have believed a very well conceived Media Programming that is utter Prevarication! Bill Gates blames "Freedom" in the US for increased Covid numbers (numbers do NOT exist) and praises China for their inhuman, Tyrannical Slam-Down of Chinese society where NOW there is NO Freedom what so ever - China's most Brutal EVER tyranical policies - AND Nevermind that the NUMBERS DO NOT Show that a Pandemic actually exists (see my previous post around Johns Hopkins University release of the REAL Death numbers here in the US) - If you're bowels are not liquifying by now, they sure should be if you are realizing what all this means...
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